Who's who
The School Team
A great team of people work at Churchill Primary School - from teachers and learning support assistants to cleaners and cooks, together with hard-working staff in the office and our caretaker and bursar.
Mrs Woollven - Headteacher
Mrs Bryant - Year 5 Teacher/ Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Price - Reception Teacher
Mrs Isgrove - Reception Teacher
Mr Goodhand - Year 1 Teacher/IT Leader
Mrs Hardwick - Year 2 Teacher
Miss Pike - Year 2 Teacher
Miss Green - Year 3 Teacher
Mrs Linham - Year 5 Teacher
Mr Maddocks - Year 4 Teacher
Mr Davis - Year 6 Teacher
Ms Ford - SENDCo
Mrs Hobson - PPA Teacher
Mrs Beadle - SEND 1:1
Mrs Ford - Learning Mentor
Mrs Holdaway - LSA
Mrs Gould-Coates - LSA
Mrs Guy - LSA
Miss Woodfine - LSA
Mrs Baker - LSA
Mrs Campbell LSA
Mr Bush - LSA
Mrs Baird - LSA/HLTA
Miss Matthews - Business Manager
Mrs Folkes - Administrator
Mrs Churchill - Admin Assistant ++
Mrs Warren - LSA & SMSA
Miss Pain - SMSA and After School Club
Mrs Thompson - Cook
Mr Masters - After School Club