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Newsletter 11

Welcome back. I hope you had a super Easter break, despite the less than favourable weather.  It is lovely to see some sun outside the window and for the children to be out at playtime.  It will not be long and we will be able to take full advantage of the field.

I am delighted to be able to start this term with more celebrations of the fantastic achievements of our pupils. On Wednesday 27th March, we held our first Churchill Primary Music Concert.  It was a fabulous evening of music, showcasing the children’s talents in playing instruments as well as singing.  I was in awe of the confidence of all of the children to perform, from those who had been learning their instruments for just a matter of months, through to some pupils who are mastering multiple instruments.  The standard of each performance was extremely high.  Huge thanks to Ms Ford for organising the whole event and to Governors and friends of the school, who kindly provided delicious refreshments for the interval.

Congratulations also go to three of our pupils who entered the Rotary Young Writers competition.  Issy and Sophia, from Year 5, both received Highly Commended Awards and some excellent feedback on their pieces of writing.  You can read their work, by clicking on attachments to this newsletter.  Jack, in Year 4, was the winner of the whole competition, with his poem entitled ‘Rebuilding’.  An amazing achievement!

Running for our school.  We are extremely grateful to Mrs Baird, who is taking on the mighty London marathon to raise money for Churchill Primary School. She is hoping to raise £2500 towards purchasing a new sound system and overhead projector for our school hall; something that is very much needed.  Our school budget is very tight and money is always needed for other priorities.  The current system is outdated and anyone who has attended a recent family service, knows that the technology often lets us down! If you would like to support Mrs Baird in her challenge, Please click on the attached link to access her Just Giving Page.

With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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