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Hello, I am Sally Furniss, and as the Chair of the Governors, it is my pleasure to give you a little background into the role of Governors in our school.

Governors are expected to play a key role in school life. Our role is to support the school but more importantly to help the school continually improve. The role of the Governors is strategic – making key decisions that help to take the school forward. Day to day decisions rest firmly with the Headteacher and the teaching staff.

The Department for Education defines three core strategic functions of Governors:-

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction.

  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

This means that we have to know the school really well, so that we can agree on the priorities for action. Although we are always supportive, we also have to be able to challenge things when we think they should be done differently or better. At the heart of all we do are the children. All Governors are committed to securing the very best education for the children that attend Churchill Primary School.

The Governing Body at Churchill consists of 15 Governors. Each Governor serves a minimum of a four year term – sometimes longer if they wish to stand for re-election or reappointment. We have a very hard working and dedicated team of Governors at Churchill, and as Chair I am always very grateful for this. Governors are elected from the parents, staff and local community. Together they offer a wide range of experience and a variety of skills.

The full Governing Body meets every term (six times per year), and the Head Teacher will be present, as well as the Clerk to the Governors. The Clerk ensures the FGB operates effectively and efficiently, keeping us in line with all relevant legislation. Clerk also manages the administration of the FGB including taking the minutes.

As well as these meetings each Governor serves on a committee, which typically meets every term. At Churchill we have four committees:- Management, Personnel, Facilities and Curriculum. Please find out more about the important work that these groups undertake by clicking on the buttons below.

Ultimately we are accountable to OFSTED for our actions too. During every inspection the role of the Governors is scrutinised and graded as part of the judgement on the standard of leadership and management in the school.

I can assure you that you have a hard working and committed Governing Body.