Newsletter 1 - 2024-2025

Welcome back!
It was lovely to see so many happy faces coming into school last week. The first week back is always quite special and despite the best efforts of the rain and wet playtimes, the excitement for learning was evident in every class.
The school team have been busy over the summer preparing for an exciting year ahead. Over the next few newsletters, I will be sharing further information on the engaging curriculum we have planned for your children this year. The diary dates give you a first taste of some of the events you and your children can look forward to.
The team have been really busy over the summer break organising all the sports equipment, installing new sheds and tidying the site ahead of another busy school year. I am incredibly grateful to my colleagues, my family and friends of the school who have given generously of their time to help improve our school for everyone to enjoy. Particular thanks go to Nick Paige (Project Manager at Overbury) who supplied the wood and Matt Stephenson who kindly came and fixed the PTA storage shed.
Further developments are also planned for the refurbishment of the amphitheatre area. We are extremely grateful to Lighthouse Schools Partnership for a grant to have this whole area replaced.
I have included lots of dates that I hope will be of help in planning your year ahead. You can always access a copy of the newsletter from the school website.
Mrs Woollven
With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.