Newsletter 2 - 2024-2025

Wednesday 25th September 2024
After a beautiful week last week, the weather has taken a distinct turn for the wetter. Please can you ensure your child brings a named coat every day as we will take any chance we can to let our children have an active lunchtime.
A Big Plea
As you will be aware, funding in schools is a real challenge; we are constantly looking for ways to make more from less. One way we can maximise funding is to ensure we have as many pupils as possible receive a school lunch on census day as numbers directly impact on the money we receive from the Government. Lighthouse Schools Partnership calculated that we lost over £8000 of funding last year. To help us maximise numbers we will be providing
‘a free meal for every child in the school.’
To help us and ensure your child gets their free meal, please see the posters on the next two pages which contain instructions on how to book your child’s meal. Please note meals cannot be booked via Aspens Select, in the normal way, for this date (3rd October).
If you are concerned that your child may not like the food choice, please still book a meal (they may like to give it a go) but you are also welcome to send in a packed lunch.
If you have any difficulty booking the meal, please do not hesitate to contact the school office, we will help to get you sorted.
As this will be a mega cook for our kitchen team, we would be very grateful if you could book your child’s meal as soon as possible and certainly by the Tuesday 1st October deadline. Thank you for your support. Mrs Woollven
With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.