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Welcome to the PTA!

Churchill Primary School's PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) is a registered charity that operates with the sole purpose of fund-raising for the children of Churchill Primary School. The PTA organises many exciting events throughout the school year and all are welcome to join. 

One of the best bits of coming to a school like ours is a strong sense of community. Churchill Primary School puts real emphasis on getting children, staff, and parents to work together as part of our local area. And you can get involved too!

The PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) is run by a group of volunteers who consist of parents and carers with children at our school.

Every year, we enjoy lots of great events – including the Fairs at Christmas and in the Summer, School Discos, Mother’s and Father's Day presents, Bingo Night and T@3. We raise money for school equipment, trips and treats for the children – all those little extras!

Last year, together we have raised over £6,000 and the school used this money to finish paying for the interactive whiteboards in the classrooms. 

This year, we are fundraising to buy new books, literary resources and to make improvements to the school library - as of May 2023, we have raised almost £4,000!

Your kind donations and support of events meant that the wonderful PTA could support the children in many ways. Thank you for all your donations and support!

Letter from the PTA 2022/23

What's On (and other useful info)

----> Disco Booking Form

----> PTA Bank Details

Name: Churchill Primary PTA

Account: 54823360

Sort code: 30-90-89

UPCOMING: Summer Disco

UPCOMING: Summer Fair

INFO: Fair donations - What, when & where?

Class Reps YR to Y6

Get to know your class reps and find out about upcoming events and PTA meetings that you can participate and support. 

Class Rep
R Jen Doherty / Becky Smith
1 Louise Murphy / Karen Hassan-Ally
2 Stevie Thorne
3 Sara Gardiner / Sam Tatum
4 Amy Ashman
5 Lynsey Sullivan / Jo Michael
6 Helen Cooper

How Can You Help? 

We need you with your ideas, local contacts, time, and skills! Getting involved is great fun, with everyone just doing what we can.

There are loads you could do, including:

  1. Coming up with a great idea for a fund-raiser

  2. Giving up half an hour of your time to help on a stall at our Christmas or summer fair

  3. Baking cakes or contributing a craft

  4. Asking someone you know locally for a raffle prize

  5. Designing raffle tickets or posters for the fair

You don't have to be a member of the PTA to show your support. If you have a particular skill or fancy getting involved in a specific event please let us know! We can make sure we only contact you at the appropriate time - 'Friend of the PTA' is a great thing to be, with less commitment.

Join Our PTA Meeting!

We would love to have you come along to the PTA meetings and see what is it like to take part, and have new members who can contribute ideas, time and help. A moment of your spare time will mean a lot to the PTA. 

Our meetings are usually held via Zoom and start around 7.30pm/8pm on a weekday evening. We have many who hop on the call and turn their cameras/mic off whilst they manage home life in the background. There's no expectation that everyone on the call will contribute verbally to the meeting, only if they want to.

PTA meetings are communicated out via the Class What's App groups (ask your class rep to be added if you're not already), on the school's Facebook group and in the school newsletters.


Can we join the PTA?

Yes! Of course – the more parents, the more ideas and the better our events!

But do I have to go to loads of meetings?

No – we meet about four times a year, and you can come to as many or few as you can.

But I’m not good at organising events!

It doesn’t matter! You may have a skill that will help, or be an ideas person. You may have a link with a local business, or you may just enjoy helping out. Everything goes!

Why do we need to raise money?

In an ideal world, the school would be able to pay for all the essential extras. Without the PTA, all the school parents would have to pay more for school trips etc, or the children would have to go without.

Will I have to give up evenings and weekends?

If you want to help at school discos and fairs, you can. But you don’t have to.

Is it only mums?

Not at all – we have plenty of dads and other carers on the PTA too!

The PTA is purely about raising money and every penny we raise goes to the school.

Join our Facebook Group!

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