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About Us

Our lovely school is set in a beautiful rural location within North Somerset. We have a modern, well resourced building with seven classes. Outside we have attractive grounds and play areas.

At Churchill Church of England Primary School, we are passionate about nurturing kind hearts and inspiring determined minds so that our children can live life in all its fullness.  We are committed to being the best version of ourselves we can be and we challenge our children to be the same.

We see children as incredible and powerful learners.  Our team provide exciting experiences and challenges which feed our children’s curiosity of the world and embrace their inquisitive nature.

Lorraine Woollven - Headteacher

Welcome to our school

My name is Lorraine Woollven and I am very proud to be headteacher of Churchill Church of England Primary School.  I joined the school in September 2016 and received a tremendous welcome from the pupils, school colleagues and the wider community. Prior to this I was co-Headteacher of Flax Bourton CEVC Primary School and School Improvement Adviser for North Somerset Learning Exchange.  

Our school is set in a beautiful rural location within North Somerset. We have a modern, well resourced building with seven classes. Outside we have attractive grounds and play areas.

During our last OfSTED Inspection, May 2017, inspectors judged our school to be good.  In the inspection report they highlight that ...

"Pupils speak positively of the education they receive. Pupils look out for one another. Pupils behave well in lessons. As a result of your schoolwide ‘learning to learn’ initiative pupils are gaining greater resilience to tackle the challenges set for them with independence and determination to do their best."

Our good SIAS inspection (Inspection of Church Schools) in March 2018 said ....

‘Churchill is a popular church school which enjoys the support of its parents and is held in very high regard within the local community in which it is totally involved’.

We are a busy, friendly learning community, with lots going on and the attainment of our pupils is above national expectations.

Our Christian foundation is very important in the life of our school and we have strong links with the local churches. Christian values are evident in all aspects of school life and children recognise the importance of living by these values. Parents say that they highly value all that our school offers academically, socially and spiritually.

When visitors come to our school they comment on the obvious enjoyment and enthusiasm that they see in children and staff... it’s a stimulating and happy place in which to live, work and grow!

Our website aims to give you a flavour of Churchill CE Primary School, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.