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Class Learning 2024-2025

Term 1


This book, 'The Great Fire of London' is a spectacular visual retelling of the whole story of the fire, from the first piece of coal that starts smouldering in the oven of the Pudding Lane bakery to a whole city engulfed by raging red and orange flames. It includes stunning illustrations, captivating storytelling and a treasure trove of historical facts.


We have been listening to 'Hands, Feet, Heart' and finding the pulse. It has been fun clapping different rhythms and learning the words to the song. We have just started to add instruments too.



We have been learning about how the Great Fire of London started and what caused it to spread so quickly. As part of our learning about how close the houses were, the children used wooden bricks to create their own Pudding Lane.

D and T Day (Food Technology)

 Tuesday 1st October 2024

We first talked about a balanced diet and looked at the eat well plate. Then we discussed...... What is a fruit? We also had a look at real fruits and made sure we could recognise and name them.

Next, we enjoyed using a blindfold to do a touch, taste and smell challenge. We used words to describe the fruit, then tried to guess what it could be. Taking off the blindfold, we then discovered what the fruit was.


Our next task was to design and make a fruit kebab. It needed to have............. at least 2 types of fruit, be healthy, be colourful and be tasty.

We used kitchen equipment like knives, graters and peelers to slice, cut, chop and grate the fruits ready for a fruit salad.



In the afternoon, we created our fruit salad and tried a bit of food art, creating a picture or pattern.


Finally, at the end of the afternoon, we shared our D and T learning with Year 1. Everyone in Year 1 and Year 2 are great designers and makers.

500 Reading Points

On Monday 14th October, we achieved our first 500 points for reading. We feel really proud that, as a class, we have read over 500 times at home since the start of term 1.

So, for our reading treat, we have voted for bringing a cuddly toy to school for the day (Date: Thursday 24th October - the last day of this term)


What a great day we had yesterday!

Thank you to all the parents / carers for the wonderful costumes. 

First of all we had a visit from Jethro Knuckleskull from 1666. He got very confused with our electric lights and use of plastic!  We LOVED how he talked us through the four days of the fire including  a lot of historical detail about what happened before and after the fire. 

He was very impressed with all the details that we already knew about the fire, and even taught us some new facts!

Have a look at some of our photos from the session. 







We then spent the rest of the day redesigning St Paul's Cathedral, making our own Tudor houses and completing our 'sources of evidence' paintings of the fire.

Finally, we played the Great Fire of London game online.  Here's a link if you'd like to play it at home.

In Science today we looked at the structure of bridges and discussed which materials would be the best to make a bridge and why. We also discovered that triangles are quite often used within the structure of bridges as they are very strong.

In teams, we made our own bridges using only these materials.

We could do anything we liked with these materials to make the strongest bridge possible, so we explored folding and rolling to see if this made the bridges stronger. We then tested the bridges to see which would hold the most weight. The strongest bridge held 800g and the weakest only 50g. Can you remember why some designs were stronger than others?



The strongest bridge was...


This afternoon we explored the new playground equipment. It was a lot of fun! We also found that it worked better when we worked as a team! See what you think!




We also used some of our 'old' building equipment and again, found that working as a team was the way to go!



Term 2


Mr. Wolf wants to make some pancakes for breakfast, but isn't quite sure how to go about it.     So off he goes to ask his neighbours Chicken Little, Wee Willy Winkle, the Gingerbread man, Little Red Riding Hood, and the Three Little Pigs for their help. When he is turned down by each of them, he decides to try it on his own. Soon he succeeds in making a huge pile of delicious pancakes. Having smelled the pancakes cooking, his neighbours decide to call on Mr. Wolf and share his meal. But Mr. Wolf gets his just "desserts"!

Writing Skills

We have been practising our handwriting, making sure that we hold the pencil correctly and adopt a good sitting position.

These pictures show us listening to dictated sentences, which include our spelling words for the week, and then writing them, including punctuation marks . ? or !  We have a flip up handwriting sheet at the back of our SPAG books, to remind us what capital and lower case letters look like if we are unsure.


William Morris

We have been exploring the artwork of William Morris and discovering facts about his life and what he used in his designs. By looking at some of his examples, we discovered that.........                                                                             

  • his designs include things from nature
  • most of them have plants in 
  • most of them use natural and bright colours
  • some designs include animals and birds, others do not
  • some are very complicated designs, some are simpler
  • some designs are symmetrical

2D Shape

We have been learning about shapes. We know names, can count sides and vertices and can recognise regular and irregular shapes.





500 Reading Points

At the end of November, we achieved our second 500 points for reading. We feel really proud that, as a class, we have read over 1000 times at home since starting Year 2.

So, for our reading treat, we have voted for a PYJAMA DAY on Monday 16th December.


William Morris

We have been making our own cardboard printing blocks inspired by William Morris. We have worked hard to make our designs simple, big and bold. See if you agree.



Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why they don’t own a car like his friend Colby. Why doesn’t he have an iPod like the boys on the bus? How come they always have to get off in the dirty part of town? Each question is met with an encouraging answer from grandma, who helps him see the beauty—and fun—in their routine and the world around them.

2D Shape

Using geoboards and rubber bands to make 2d shapes, aswell as using cocktail sticks and blue tak. Our maths learning is such fun!




Using our William Morris-inspired card printing blocks. 





500 Reading Points

On Monday 10th February, we achieved our third 500 points for reading. We feel really proud that, as a class, we have read over 1500 times at home since starting Year 2.

So, for our reading treat, we have voted for a CLASS DISCO on Thursday 13th February.