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On this page you will find all our latest newsletters.

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  • Newsletter 2 - 2024-2025

    Published 25/09/24


    Wednesday 25th September 2024

    After a beautiful week last week, the weather has taken a distinct turn for the wetter.  Please can you ensure your child brings a named coat every day as we will take any chance we can to let our children have an active lunchtime.

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  • Newsletter 1 - 2024-2025

    Published 25/09/24

    Welcome back!

    It was lovely to see so many happy faces coming into school last week.  The first week back is always quite special and despite the best efforts of the rain and wet playtimes, the excitement for learning was evident in every class.

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  • Newsletter 14

    Published 18/08/24

    last week ended on a high with our last T@3 of the year and a super class service, led by our Reception Class.  This week is another busy week with our final ‘stay and play’ session for our new Reception pupils, ‘moving up day’ for the rest of the school and our annual whole school sports day, on Friday. I look forward to seeing you on the school field on Friday (keeping everything crossed for good weather).

    With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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  • Newsletter 13

    Published 18/08/24

    We start our new term by once again celebrating the success of our children in their sporting achievements. In our last newsletter, we were wishing our boys football team the very best of luck on their memorable trip to Derby County Football Ground for the small school national finals. I am pleased to share that the team had an amazing experience, showcasing some fantastic footballing skill and great sportsmanship. We are so proud of them all! Please see below our thanks to our generous sponsors who made the whole trip possible. Our success continued with our Girls’ football team finishing the term winning the next round in their football competition. They are now heading off for the county finals on the 17th June. We wish them all the very best of luck. Term 6 promises to be another busy term, with much more to enjoy and celebrate. With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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  • Newsletter 12

    Published 16/07/20

    Firstly, congratulations to all our super Year 6’s who have shown amazing positivity and resilience during their first two days of SATs. I am always blown away by their can-do attitude and enthusiasm to show themselves at their best.  We wish them all the very best as they take on the maths papers over the next two days.

    The end of the week will see our fantastic football team heading off to Derby, for the national schools’ football finals.  This is an incredibly exciting opportunity for the children and we are indebted to the generous sponsors who have made this trip possible.  Please see below for information on how all of the team will be looking that part in their new tracksuits, kindly sponsored by Piers at the Football Fun Factory.  We will be sharing more about who kindly helped the team get to Derby in next week’s newsletter.  We wish the whole team, Mrs Churchill, Mr Davis and all the family and friends who will be travelling with them, a safe trip and a fantastic day!

    We are so proud of Sally Furniss, our wonderful Chair of Governors, who was invited to the King’s Garden Party in recognition of her service to the community and to our school.  Sally has been part of supporting and leading our school for over 25 years and has shown incredible commitment to helping all of the pupils have the best possible education and primary experience the school can offer.  We are delighted that she has been recognised for all her voluntary support. This is not the first time one of our school community has been recognised for their kindness and generosity.  Last year, Mr and Mrs Beadle were also invited to the garden party. We are very proud of them all.


    With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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  • Newsletter 15

    Published 06/07/20

    The sun is shining and there is a promise of the much-awaited summer on the horizon. I very much hope the weather will deliver and you are all able to have a restful and relaxing summer break.

    With just 3 school days to go until the end of the year, we are focusing our attention on our final celebration services and wishing our super Year 6 pupils a fond farewell and good luck for the future. We were delighted to be able to share their SATs results with families in their end of year reports, earlier this week. We are once again extremely proud of what our young people have achieved, with the percentage of children achieving the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths, combined, higher than both the national and Lighthouse Schools Partnership average. If you would like to learn more about our results, please click on this link to access our results page on the school website.

    We have also enjoyed celebrating our pupils’ talents in our much loved ‘Churchill has got talent’ afternoon.  This annual event, requested and voted for by our children, is always a real highlight of our year. This brought to the end a very successful year for Churchill Primary. We have shone in so many different fields from sport, to music, writing and public speaking.  These achievements and opportunities are a true reflection of our school vision:

     to nurture a community in which we ignite curious minds, encourage generous hearts and embrace a changing world so our children can live life in all its fullness.

    As a final message, I would like to thank all of our families, pupils, Governors, school team and members of the PTA for your continued support this year. I would like to express a very special thanks to the super team of colleagues who make Churchill CE Primary School a very special place to learn and work. They all work incredibly hard and are absolutely committed to help every child to be the very best they can be.  It would be impossible to offer the high quality of education and care that we provide our children, without their expertise and dedication.  I hope everyone is able to have a well-deserved break and I look forward to welcoming families, old and new, back on Wednesday 3rd September.

    With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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  • Newsletter 11

    Published 01/07/20

    Welcome back. I hope you had a super Easter break, despite the less than favourable weather.  It is lovely to see some sun outside the window and for the children to be out at playtime.  It will not be long and we will be able to take full advantage of the field.

    I am delighted to be able to start this term with more celebrations of the fantastic achievements of our pupils. On Wednesday 27th March, we held our first Churchill Primary Music Concert.  It was a fabulous evening of music, showcasing the children’s talents in playing instruments as well as singing.  I was in awe of the confidence of all of the children to perform, from those who had been learning their instruments for just a matter of months, through to some pupils who are mastering multiple instruments.  The standard of each performance was extremely high.  Huge thanks to Ms Ford for organising the whole event and to Governors and friends of the school, who kindly provided delicious refreshments for the interval.

    Congratulations also go to three of our pupils who entered the Rotary Young Writers competition.  Issy and Sophia, from Year 5, both received Highly Commended Awards and some excellent feedback on their pieces of writing.  You can read their work, by clicking on attachments to this newsletter.  Jack, in Year 4, was the winner of the whole competition, with his poem entitled ‘Rebuilding’.  An amazing achievement!

    Running for our school.  We are extremely grateful to Mrs Baird, who is taking on the mighty London marathon to raise money for Churchill Primary School. She is hoping to raise £2500 towards purchasing a new sound system and overhead projector for our school hall; something that is very much needed.  Our school budget is very tight and money is always needed for other priorities.  The current system is outdated and anyone who has attended a recent family service, knows that the technology often lets us down! If you would like to support Mrs Baird in her challenge, Please click on the attached link to access her Just Giving Page.

    With kind hearts and determined minds, we inspire each other to be the best we can be.

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